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Ohio Early Intervention

Helping children and families wherever they choose to live, play, and spend their day.

Federal and State Regulations

Early Intervention (EI) programs are subject to both federal and state laws and regulations.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

The federal law that establishes Early Intervention programs is called the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

More information on the Law

Federal Regulations

The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) has issued regulations for all states' Early Intervention programs to carry out IDEA.

Federal Regulations

State Regulations

The Department of Developmental Disabilities has issued regulations for county Early Intervention programs implementing Ohio's EI program.

Rule 5123-10-01 (Early Intervention Services - Procedural Safeguards) sets forth procedural safeguards in the Early Intervention system, including the provisions of parental consent and notice; retention, confidentiality, access to, and amendment of records; and dispute resolution.

Rule 5123-10-02, Appendix A, Appendix B, and Appendix C (Early Intervention Eligibility and Services) sets forth Early Intervention system requirements for eligibility, developmental screening, evaluation, assessment, individualized family service plan meetings and content, transition to preschool and other programs, service coordination, Early Intervention records, and exiting and transferring from the Early Intervention system.

Rule 5123-10-03 (Early Intervention Services - System of Payments) sets forth a system to pay for activities and expenses that are reasonable and necessary for implementing Ohio's Early Intervention system for eligible children and their families.

Rule 5123-10-04 (Early Intervention Services - Credentials for Early Intervention Service Coordinators and Early Intervention Service Coordination Supervisors) establishes minimum qualifications through credentialing standards for Early Intervention Service Coordinators and Early Intervention Service Coordination Supervisors. All persons working in these positions are required to hold the appropriate credential issued in accordance with the rule.

Rule 5123-10-5 (Early Intervention Program - Developmental Specialist Certification) establishes minimum qualifications through certification standards for Early Intervention developmental specialists. All persons working in in this position is required to hold the appropriate certification issued in accordance with the rule.