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Ohio Early Intervention

Helping children and families wherever they choose to live, play, and spend their day.

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Annual Assessment COVID-19 Guidance Document
File name: Annual-Assessment-COVID-19-Guidance-Document.pdf

Annual Redetermination and Assessment During State of Emergency Flow Chart
File name: Annual-Redetermination-and-Assessment-During-State-of-Emergency-Flow-Chart .pdf

Appendix 2 COVID-19 Eligibility Flowcharts
File name: Appendix-2-COVID-19-Eligibility-Flowcharts.pdf

EI Eligibility Process during COVID-19
File name: EI-Eligibility-Process-during-COVID-19.pdf

EI Resource Based Conversations Around Covid-19
File name: EI-Resource-Based-Conversations-Around-Covid-19.pdf

Final HV form
File name: Final-HV-form.pdf

In-person home visit guidelines
File name: In-person-home-visit-guidelines.pdf

Tele-Intervention Guide for Administering and Documenting Evaluation Tools
File name: Tele-Intervention-Guide-for-Administering-and-Documenting-Evaluation-Tools.pdf

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