Developmental Specialists
Ohio developmental specialists are professionals trained to provide special instruction as part of an individualized family service plan team. They are certified through Provider Certification at DODD and must meet education and training requirements specified in Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) 5123-10-05. For additional information, please contact DODD Provider Certification Unit:
DCY Memo #25-004: Changes to the Developmental Specialist Application Process
February 28th, 2025 will be the last day to submit Developmental Specialist (DS) applications to DODD Provider Certification for processing. Beginning on March 1, 2025, the responsibility of processing DS applications will move to the Ohio Department of Children and Youth through a contract with the Ohio Child Care Resource and Referral Association (OCCRRA). Click here to access the recording and PPT slides from a webinar held on February 13, 2025 that provided an overview of these changes and initial instructions for Ohio Early Intervention Developmental Specialists.
Training on the certification rule: Obtaining and Maintaining Early Intervention Developmental Specialist Certification: Rule 5123-10-5 Explained
Developmental Specialist certification At-A-Glance
DS certification flow chart (web)
Developmental Specialist One (1) Year Certification Application (initial and renewal)
Developmental Specialist Five (5) Year Certification Application (initial and renewal)
Application for DODD Continuing Professional Development Units
Developmental Specialist CPDU Checklist
Rights of Persons with Developmental Disabilities
This brief training, or the equivalent through the employing agency, may be taken to meet the annual training requirement for developmental specialists.
Coursework/Seminar requirements
If an applicant is missing coursework in any area, they may choose to take a department approved seminar, or an approved college course (totaling at least 30 hours). Please refer to the checklist for details
Approved Seminars
To find the DODD-approved seminars for developmental specialists, please see the associated tile on the Trainings page