Evidence-Based Practice Coaching
Accessing an Evidence-Based Practice Coach
There are a variety of ways for newly certified one- year developmental specialists (DS) to access evidence-based practice (EBP) coaching.
- We encourage employers to seek out EBP coaches within their organization. If there is a five or ten- year certified DS working on your current EI team, they would just need to complete the online training course to be eligible to coach a one- year DS.
- The supervisor of a one- year DS (who holds current five or ten- year DS certification) may serve as EBP coach, after completion of online training requirement. Time spent coaching would need to be separate from administrative supervision.
- Reach out to neighboring county early intervention programs and regional councils of governments to see if they have staff eligible and available to coach a new, one-year DS.
- DODD has contracted with OCALI to provide a limited number of EBP coaches for hiring entities who are unable to locate a coach independently. Please reach out to Laura Maddox (laura_maddox@ocali.org) for additional information.
- Current five and ten- year certified DSs- please consider giving back! Volunteer to be an EBP coach for others across the state. Virtual meetings are acceptable, and coaching is a great way to increase skills in peer mentoring, reflective practice, and leadership. As many as twenty documented hours spent by an evidence-based practice coach actively participating in evidence-based practice coaching will count as professional development for certification renewal.
Resources for Evidence-Based Practice Coaches
Whether you’re brand new to coaching or have previous experience, these resources will help you be successful in your role as an Ohio Early Intervention Evidence-Based Practice Coach. Be sure to bookmark this page and come back frequently for new information.
Take a minute to register yourself as a Coach. If you are a 5-year certified DS and have completed the Evidence-Based Coaching training on DODD’s MyLearning ((EI-115) Evidence-Based Practice Coaching), you qualify to be a Coach. Registering will give you access to many resources and trainings that will help you develop your Coaching skills and practices.
(EI-115) Evidence-Based Practice Coaching
The Evidence-Based Practice, or EBP, Coaching course is required for Ohio developmental specialists and Early Intervention supervisors holding a valid 5 or 10- year certification who are interested in providing coaching for 1-year certified developmental specialists.
Evidence-Based Practice Coaching Training Companion Guide
This guide is an outline of the Evidence-Based Practice Coaching course (EI-115). It may be used as a learning tool while taking the online course and for reference by Coaches as they work with 1 year DS Coachees.
(EI-19) Evidence-Based Practice Coaching Agreement
Use this form to develop your agreement with your 1-Year DS Coachee. You will complete the agreement and obtain signatures. Your signed agreement will serve as verification of the coaching relationship and will be submitted to DODD by the DS with the application for renewal or for the initial five-year certification.
Evidence-Based Practice Coaching Agreement Instructions
These instructions provide critical details and information as you are preparing for, and completing, your Evidence-Based Practice Coaching Agreement.
SMART Goal Worksheet
This is a supplementary resource that provides guidance for developing SMART Coaching goals with your 1-year DS Coachee.
Evidence-Based Practice Coaching Log
In order to obtain professional development units for coaching, you must submit a written log that includes the dates and times when evidence-based practice coaching occurred. This template may be used to meet this requirement. Even if you do not intend to seek professional development units for your coaching, it is recommended that you document your coaching time and effort.
1-yr DS Coaching Log
The 1-year DS coachee may use this template to track activities from the coachee perspective. It is not a required form.
DS Ecomap
As you know, an Ecomap is an important tool in providing Early Intervention to families. It also is a terrific tool to use to get to know your 1-year DS Coachee. This template was developed to use when conducting an Ecomap at the beginning of your coaching relationship.
Using the Developmental Specialist Ecomap: A tool for EBP Coaches and One-year Developmental Specialists Webinar
This webinar introduces the Ecomap for coaches and demonstrates how an Ecomap is conducted with new one-year developmental specialists.
BluePrints from FIPP for Orienting and Coaching New Developmental Specialists
These handouts from The Family, Infant and Preschool Program (FIPP) Center may be beneficial in establishing processes for orienting and coaching new Coachees.
For questions and more information about Evidence-Based Practice Coaching, please contact Laura Maddox at laura_maddox@ocali.org.
For specific certification questions, please contact DMR-DODD.Support at Provider.certification@dodd.ohio.gov