Professional Organizations
Regional Resource Center Program (RRCP)
Key Principles of Early Intervention and Effective Practices Crosswalk
This document highlights how position statements, resources, and literature of various professions working in early intervention supports the early intervention key principles and reflects how these professions' services align with high quality early intervention practices.
Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children (DEC)
Professional association for those who work with or on behalf of young children with developmental delays or disabilities. Multiple resources for professionals including recommended practice guidelines and performance checklists.
DEC Recommended Practices (April 2014)
The DEC Recommended Practices were developed to provide guidance to practitioners and families about the most effective ways to improve the learning outcomes and promote the development of young children.
DEC Recommended Practices with Examples (December 2015)
An extension of the DEC Recommended Practices (April 2014), including accompanying examples for each practice, further explaining the real-world application of instructional disciplines developed by the DEC Recommended Practices Commission.
DEC Performance Checklists are intended for practitioners (and leaders where noted) to increase their understanding and use of the DEC Recommended Practices and for self-evaluation of one's use of the practices.
The American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) provides advisories and guidance to practicing Occupational Therapists on delivering EI occupational services.
AOTA Practice Advisory on the Primary Provider Approach in Early Intervention
The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) provides advisories and guidance to practicing Physical Therapists on delivering EI physical therapy services. Natural Environments in Early Intervention Services
The American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) provides advisories and guidance to practicing Speech Language Therapists on developing evidence based EI speech therapy services.
Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council Guidance Document provides guidance on frequently asked questions from practicing Ohio Occupational and Physical Therapists. This guidance document has been reviewed by DODD and Ohio OTPTA Licensing Board. Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Guidance Document