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Ohio Early Intervention

Helping children and families wherever they choose to live, play, and spend their day.

Archived 2017

EI Program Updates #1701

This update includes the following topics: System of Payment Rule, Hospital-based Child Find Specialist Referrals, Feb 1 LEA, Family Questionnaire Results, SFY 45-Day Analysis, Annual Performance Report Posted for Public Comments, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders webinars and trainings, CDC Zika Resources, and Introduction to EI Video, and State-Sponsored Training

EI Program Updates #1702

This update includes the following topics: Contract Manager and FCFC Coordinator Contact Survey, Service Coordinator Credential Renewals, Feb 1 LEA Reports, EI Report Uses Document, SFY 17 45-Day Analysis, APR Posted for Public Comment, Family-Centered EI Service Provider Webinars, the Relationships Matter Conference, CDC Zika Resources, Introduction to EI Video and State-Sponsored Training

EI Program Updates #1703

This update includes the following topics: Contract Manager and FCFC Coordinator Contact Survey, Service Coordinator Credential Renewal Clarification, FFY ’15 Annual Performance Report, SFY ’17 LEA Report, SFY ’17 45-Day Baseline; Play and Language for Autistic Youngsters (PLAY) Project Training, Relationships Matter Conference, and State-Sponsored Training

EI Program Updates #1704

This update includes the following topics: SFY18 Service Coordination Grant data cleaning, Child Outcomes Summary Data files, SFY17 45-Day and February 1 LEA Baseline updates

EI Program Updates #1705

This update includes the following topics: Central Coordination updates and solicitation link, new EI website, guidance on entering race in Early Track, SFY17 45-day and LEA baseline, location of SFY17 monitoring baseline schedule, Using Data in Excel resource, and quarterly COS data distribution.

EI Program Updates #1706

This update includes the following topics: SFY17 45-day baseline, family questionnaire comment reports, and location of archived referral and child count data on EI website.

EI Program Updates #1707

This update is a joint communication from DODD and ODH about referrals and services for children with hearing loss.

EI Program Updates #1708

This update includes the following topics: State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) Phase III, Year 1 submission, SFY17 45-day baseline, additional Monitoring resources, informed clinical opinion (ICO), and the EI website.

EI Program Updates #1709

This update includes information about the new EI program logo and the status of various EI program brochures.

EI Program Updates #1710

This update includes information about SFY17 SC grant revisions, SFY18 SC grant, May 1 Quarterly LEA reports, SFY17 45-day baseline, SFY17 Transition baseline, and Early Track user account additions and removals.

EI Program Updates #1711

This updates includes information about new DODD funding opportunities, the SFY18 SC grant, the proposed system of payments rule, the EI logo, and an EI program consultant job posting.

EI Program Updates #1712

This update includes information about SFY17 service coordination grant budget revisions, SFY18 service coordination grant agreements, request for family involvement in OCALICON, service coordinator and developmental specialist credential deadlines, 618 data, data and monitoring FAQs, May 1 quarterly LEA reports, and 45-day and transition baselines.

EI Program Updates #1713

This update includes information about the ODH system of payments rule rescission, quarterly COS data, transition baseline, FFY15 APR clarifications, withdrawing from trainings, and a new family story.

EI Program Updates #1714

This update includes information about EIGS and SFY18 service coordination grant agreement trainings and new system of payments rule trainings.

EI Program Updates #1715

This update includes information about the SFY17 service coordination grant final program report, SFY17 transition baseline, documentation of hearing loss eligibility, service coordination credential renewals, and coaching.

EI Program Updates #1716

This update includes information about Central Coordination, DODD system of payments rule and trainings, credential deadlines, transition monitoring, records retention, Early Track user accounts, PLAY Project resources, and motivational interviewing trainings.

SFY18 Central Coordination Memo
This ODH-DODD joint memo lays out changes to Central Coordination for SFY18.

EI Program Updates #1717

This update includes information about Ohio’s annual determination from the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP).

EI Program Updates #1718

This update includes information about the SFY18 service coordination grant due date, new EI referral notifications, Early Track transition, Early Track user accounts, Ohio’s FFY15 determination from OSEP, SFY17 Timely Receipt of Services and Transition baselines, August 1 quarterly LEA reports, and an "In the Spotlight" feature about Team Meetings.

EI Program Updates #1719

This updates includes information about the SFY18 service coordination grant due date, new EI referral notifications, central intake changes, the new EI program consultant, Early Track transition, August 1 quarterly LEA reports, SFY17 Transition and Timely Receipt of Services baselines.

EI Program Updates #1720

This update includes information about a new EI referral form (EI 8045), central intake updates and reminders, system of payments resources, SFY18 SC grant expense reports, Supporting Ohio's Service Coordinators Process, HMG HV and Central Coordination rules, postcards to EI referral sources, Early Track user roles, Early Track transition, SFY17 TRS baseline, volunteers for the documentation training, Browse Aloud, and a Childcare survey.

EI Program Updates #1721

This update includes information about local outreach funding and allocation table, postcards to past EI referral sources, EI referral data entry, Early Track/EIDS transition, SFY17 TRS baseline, COS data files, 2017 family questionnaire, printed brochures, and Ohio TRAIN upgrades.

EI Program Updates #1722

This update includes information about EI program referral dates, PCSA forms and medical records, Early Track/EIDS transition, SFY17 TRS baseline, and the 2017 family questionnaire.

EI Program Updates #1723

This update includes information about EI local outreach funds, the EI 8045 referral form, EI website additions, the Early Intervention Data System (EIDS), Service Coordinator credentials, 2017 family questionnaire, and the SFY17 TRS baseline analysis.

EI Program Updates #1724

This update includes information about EI local outreach funds, county level EI data, EI referral transfer from Early Track to EIDS, Early Track/EIDS exits, new EIDS accounts, and the SFY17 TRS baseline analysis.

EI Program Updates #1725

This update includes information about system of payments resources, quarterly LEA notification, EIDS referrals, EIDS accounts, the EI 8045 form, and the SFY17 TRS baseline.

EI Program Updates #1726

This update includes information about promotional postcards, EI logo, central intake data entry errors, transition outcomes, timely receipt of services baseline, and non-compliance reasons.

EI Program Updates #1727

This update provides information about the Supporting Ohio’s Service Coordinators process, new service coordinator community of practice, EI training coordinator, FFY16 annual performance report, county COS data, SFY18 monitoring baseline schedule, EIDS FAQs and updates, infant mortality initiative, Battelle and Bayley trainings, and the “Taking a Look” online course.