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Ohio Early Intervention

Helping children and families wherever they choose to live, play, and spend their day.

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Advisory Council

Advisory Council Background

Advisory Council Schedule

American Rescue Plan Act - Grant Agreement

Amount of Support from Ohio Early Intervention 'Unreal'

Are There Other Resources and Supports for My Child and Family?

Community of Practice

Credentials and Certifications

Data and Monitoring

Data and Monitoring Resources

Data System

DS Seminars

Early Communication Registration

Early Intervention Pilot Shows Success

Early Intervention Rules 2019

Early Intervention Service Coordination Profile and Dashboard Updates

EBP Coaching Registration Form

Erie County Board of DD

Evidence-Based Early Intervention


Family Experiences with Early Intervention

Family-Directed Assessment

Federal and State Regulations

Federal Reporting and Postings


Guidance Documents

Important Progress Since Receiving Early Intervention Services

Infant Mental Health (IMH) Credential

Interested in Autism Intervention Training?

Intervención temprana basada en evidencia

Listen with ReachDeck

Local Resource Directory Form

Local, State, and National Resources

Logo and Branding Guidelines


Miss Ashland’s Outstanding Teen Grateful for Early Intervention

Mission and Key Principles

Mom Finds Support at Home with EI Services


New Information

Ohio Early Intervention Calendar

Ohio Train

On-Demand (eLearning)

Parent Rights in Early Intervention Brochure

Past Events

Position Statement

Professional Development and Training

Program Updates

Program Updates Subscription



Resources for Physicians

Service Coordination Grant Agreements


Should I be concerned about my child's development?

Stakeholder Advisory Group

State Early Intervention Team

Stepping Stones: Learn From Other Family's Involvement in Early Intervention

System of Payments

The Crider Family

Unbelievable Progress

Upcoming Live Events

Using the Developmental Specialist Ecomap: A tool for EBP Coaches and One-year Developmental Specialists Webinar

Video Resources

What Can I Expect in Early Intervention?

What is Early Intervention?

What to Expect During an Early Intervention Visit?

Adding New Users to EIDS
File name: Adding-New-User-EIDS.pdf

Annual Assessment COVID-19 Guidance Document
File name: Annual-Assessment-COVID-19-Guidance-Document.pdf

Annual Redetermination and Assessment During State of Emergency Flow Chart
File name: Annual-Redetermination-and-Assessment-During-State-of-Emergency-Flow-Chart .pdf

Appendix 2 COVID-19 Eligibility Flowcharts
File name: Appendix-2-COVID-19-Eligibility-Flowcharts.pdf

Child Outcome Extract Instructions and Tips
File name: ChildOutcomeExtractInstructionsandTips.pdf

Child Outcome Monitoring Report Instructions and Tips
File name: ChildOutcomeMonitoringReportInstructionsandTips.pdf

File name: CoachingHandoutForFamilies.pdf

Data and Monitoring Q and A
File name: Data-and-Monitoring-QA2017-04-27.pdf

Developmental Specialist Certification At-A-Glance
File name: 5123-10-05-Grid-April2024.pdf

EI Eligibility Process during COVID-19
File name: EI-Eligibility-Process-during-COVID-19.pdf

EI Exit Reason Definitions
File name: EIExitReasonDefinitions.pdf

EI NCR Examples
File name: EINCRExamples.pdf

EI Resource Based Conversations Around Covid-19
File name: EI-Resource-Based-Conversations-Around-Covid-19.pdf

EI Services Report Instructions and Tips
File name: EIServicesReportInstructionsandTips.pdf

File name: EIDS-Troubleshooting.pdf

EISC Skills and Competencies Checklist-April 2024
File name: EISC-Skills-and-Competencies-Checklist-April2024.xlsx

Exit Extract Report Instructions and Tips
File name: ExitExtractReportInstructionsandTips.pdf

Final HV form
File name: Final-HV-form.pdf

File name: ICOGUIDANCE.pdf

Identifying a Parent in Early Intervention
File name: Guidance-Document-Parents-and-Parental-Consent-in-EI_022019.pdf

Identifying a Parent in Early Intervention Flowchart
File name: EI-Parent-Identification-Flow-Chart-022019.pdf

In-person home visit guidelines
File name: In-person-home-visit-guidelines.pdf

March 19 Updated EI COVID-19 Guidance
File name: March-19-Updated-EI-COVID-19-Guidance.pdf

MyLearning Instructions
File name: MyLearning Instructions 01-24.pdf

MyLearning Instructions UPDATED 8-2019
File name: MyLearningInstructionsUPDATED8-2019.pdf

Ohio COS Summary and Descriptors
File name: Ohio-COS-Summary-and-Descriptors_042716.pdf

Ohio EI Baseline Analysis Process
File name: Ohio-EI-Baseline-Analysis-Process.pdf

Referrals Extract Instructions and Tips
File name: ReferralsExtractInstructionsandTips.pdf

Resource-Based Practices Look Like
File name: Resource-Based-Practices-Look-Like.pdf

Service Coordinator Caseload Summary Instructions and Tips
File name: ServiceCoordinatorCaseloadSummaryInstructionsandTips.pdf

Steps for a Successful Transition 7-10-2020
File name: Steps-for-a-Successful-Transition-7-10-2020.pdf

Tele-Intervention Guide for Administering and Documenting Evaluation Tools
File name: Tele-Intervention-Guide-for-Administering-and-Documenting-Evaluation-Tools.pdf

Transition Extract Instructions and Tips
File name: TransitionExtractInstructionsandTips.pdf

Using Data in Excel
File name: UsingDatainExcel.pdf

Verification Compliance Standards
File name: Verification-Compliance-Standards-010920.pdf

Battelle Developmental Inventory - August 2024
Time: August 7, 2024 from 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development - September 2024
Time: September 13, 2024 from 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Battelle Developmental Inventory - October 2024
Time: October 10, 2024 from 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Motivational Interviewing - December 2024
Time: December 12, 2024 from 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Battelle Developmental Inventory - December 2024
Time: December 13, 2024 from 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development - January 2025
Time: January 22, 2025 from 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Battelle Developmental Inventory - February 2025
Time: February 7, 2025 from 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Motivational Interviewing - March 2025
Time: March 28, 2025 from 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Battelle Developmental Inventory - April 2025
Time: April 4, 2025 from 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development - May 2025
Time: May 14, 2025 from 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Battelle Developmental Inventory - May 2025
Time: May 20, 2025 from 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM